I have been struck over the past few days about God's TIMING versus EXPECTATION. As I've been in the gospels, I've noticed how many times Jesus TOLD His disciples what was to come, yet either by misperceived timings or expectations that fell short of God's plans, they DESPAIRED and grieved! They thought it was over. All it was, however, was a timing issue. It was the time BETWEEN the "laying down" and the "taking up again". After the resurrection the angels tell the women "He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee" (Luke 24:6). Then on the road to Emmaus, Christ tells them "Oh foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken" (Luke 24:25). Then when He appears later to the disciples, He says again "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures," (Luke 25:44-45). These instances are all in ONE CHAPTER of ONE BOOK! Not to mention all the other instances this is echoed in both the Old and New Testament. Over and over again the Lord showed me this.
"Why didn't they remember?", I asked the Lord.
"Because it was different than they expected", the Lord answered.
This morning during my time with the Lord, He highlighted John 10:18 which reads, "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” Jesus, of course, is talking about His life...the fulfillment of the prophecies...the plans of the Father. He then reminded me that the cross was not an overpowering of good, but a WILLFUL LAYING DOWN...but this laying down was NOT a giving up or even a temporary giving in to evil. In fact, this laying down was a IMMEDIATE SET UP FOR THE TAKING UP. When Jesus took up His life again in accordance with the Father's words, it wasn't JUST the restoration or reversal of the injustice that happened to Jesus, but it was also the fulfillment of prophesy, the ultimate miracle, and the salvation of the world. It COULD NOT have been timed any differently. There was a strategy in both the laying down and taking up that were in line with the command of the Father.
Similarly, now there are things that LOOK LIKE a LAYING DOWN that is an OVERCOMING of good with evil or a temporary victory for the enemy. It's NOT. Actually, it's part of the divine timing of the TAKE BACK that will precipitate the fulfillment of God's words on a greater and more profound level than previously imagined. But not a word of His plans and His truth for you has changed. He is being strategic with His timing, but He is not done!
I got an image of tall grass, and I saw the Lion of Judah advancing through the tall grass silently. There are things happening beyond visibility that are causing the plans of the enemy to be surprised and overturned. Trust the process. Trust the waiting. Remember the words.
God showed me brabeuó which is the Greek word meaning "to act as umpire", "peace to confirm a behavior", "living according to His preferred will", "to decide, determine", "to direct, control, govern, and rule". It's used only once in Colossians 3:15. It reads: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."
Friends, God is acting as umpire. He is giving you peace to confirm that actions are happening that are coordinated and planned efforts by Him. His will will prevail in the end. H will decide, determine, direct, control, govern, and rule your life. So be at PEACE. It's all in the timing. Focus on THANKFULNESS even before the breakthrough, as this will keep your mind fixed in the correct place. Watch and wait. God is on the move.