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God is Training Up Warriors on the Mountains

Writer's picture: Sara WhittenSara Whitten

Mountain Warfare

God says, “I am training up warriors on the mountains”. As I began to look up mountain warfare in the natural, I realized this was a word for the seven mountains of influence (religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment, and business/finance). Mountain ranges in the natural have been highly desired for their strategic importance because they are frequently natural borders as well as sources of water. Kingdom breakthroughs on the mountains of influence also represent taking hold of “borders”. Some of the staunchest divisions between the way society is patterned (after ways that follow the Lord versus ways that are contrary to His Word) lay in these seven areas. What flows from them also “waters” society.

Fighting for mountainous terrain also requires different tactics. For example, a much greater percentage of soldiers are needed in offense to secure a mountainous area in warfare. In spiritual terms, rather than the competitive mindset of the world that sees a space as “saturated” (ie “there are too many artists already”, “the world has enough ministries”, etc.), Heaven’s mindset says deploy all assets. You are needed!

Counterinsurgency (called COIN) is often used in mountain warfare. The part that God highlighted was that in COIN, a territory is won by winning over the people. Said in Heavenly terms, the first priority of mountain warfare is not taking on and eliminating every evil in the entire mountain. Instead, it’s winning hearts to the Lord which breaks the power and influence those occupying forces have.

During this year the Lord has been raising up people across all mountains of influence who are stayed on the Lord and magnets to bring others into His presence. What mountain(s) has He planted you on? As I prayed through a podcast series for each mountain, the Lord put specific words on my heart for the leaders God is raising up in each area. Below are some highlights from each mountain.


God gave me an image of a submarine. As I read about submarines, they can be used for the covert insertion of special forces, search and rescue missions, salvage, exploration, facility inspection, and maintenance. God is raising up those who will be sent in non-traditional ministry directions. Carrying the gospel and God’s word, you will infiltrate parts of society that are not traditionally “ministries” with the gospel of Jesus and the Word of God. Like digging through an old construction site, I see old pieces being found that will be restored and repurposed. This is a time when the hard work that has been put off will get done. As the Holy Spirit helps do an “inspection” and “maintenance check”, new inspiration will flow on how to pivot and adjust to align more closely with where God has envisioned for your ministry. There will also be a refocusing on “search and rescue”- seeking and saving the lost.

God also reminded me of James 4:17 which reads “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them”. It is imperative to hold the line. Avoid all idleness, silence, or compromise if the Lord has given you clear directives. God also said, “Stand against the lullaby called Do What You Want To”. There is an attempt by the enemy to blur God’s commands and the incomplete human perspective of the world just as he tried to do to the Israelites in the wilderness. Stand for God’s unchanging truth as you near entry to your promised land.


“Breakers” in their own families will bring their overflow of healing to a larger group. God showed me these warriors as the crushed rock laid to form a bed for roads or railroads and the gravel ingredient of concrete. Though there has been breaking and crushing in the past in your family, God is using you to lay new tracks that will be set in stone and able to move many more than just your own family.

God reminded me of Jeremiah 7:27 “When you tell them all these things, they will not listen to you. When you call to them, they will not answer.” He said, “Don’t be discouraged when they don’t listen. Don’t give up your charge or your calling.” He then reminded me of the image given in Mark 7:28 which says “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs”. God is working through the small things. Through even the crumbs that fall from your life, others will taste the bread of His Word.


I saw these warriors marking a trail. Trail marking only needs to be done when the path is not often traveled. God is calling leaders who are foraging unbeaten paths in education. God said He is giving birth to the “traveling teachers” just like in Matt 8:19-20, Luke 9:57, or 1 Corinthians 16:6. Feelings of restlessness or not being “at home” are just the Spirit stirring new callings in you. New living arrangements, communities, positions, and relationships are going to place new discipleship callings on you, but they may only be for a season.

God is bringing an Ezekiel 47 flooding into schools and academia. It will first start as a trickle, then become ankle-deep, then be deep enough to swim. As you learn from the Father and are used to become teachers of His Word, you will be like swim instructors to those who have previously leaned on worldly knowledge and are encountering Him for the first time.


God highlighted Matthew 18:16 which reads “But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’”. God is righting injustices through testimony and witness. He is raising up those warriors who will war with the words of their testimonies.

It is time to stop assuming. God says, “Bring every government issue to me and do not rely on your own judgment”. It’s a calling back to Exodus 18:16 but with direct access to the Father. Whenever there is a dispute, bring it to God, and He will decide between the parties and inform you of His decrees and instructions. Don’t assume.

God is opening the door to favor in politics to His humble servants and to the young. God is setting the unqualified before great men. He also says “Let the children come to me”. There is a young generation God is raising up who will be passionate for government and will bring God’s heart and love back into corporate leadership.


God showed me a root vegetable. He said, “I’m growing fruit underground. I’m spreading my Good News through channels that are not the main or visible sources”. He reminded me that the word “broadcast” is also a term for throwing out massive amounts of small seeds on prepared soil. He is raising up broadcasters- “sons of Caleb”- who would simply be messengers of His news in the audiences God gives them. Because the sprouts from these seeds will take time, don’t be discouraged in your sowing.

God reminded me of Matthew 7:15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves”. Media- news, social media, etc.- will be full of false predictions. Listen and lean on the word of the Lord. Seek Him directly as a guide through the noise.

I was also shown Psalm 68:10 “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng”. While God is using all kinds of people as warriors on this mountain, He is raising up some specific women of His Word to be plumblines for His truth.

Arts & Entertainment

God is using warriors to steward His creativity. Their works- though not overtly religious- will be used to communicate ideas and messages of the Lord. Through beauty and craftsmanship, God is drawing people to Himself.

God gave me the word “incessantly”, meaning “without unnecessary time interval”. God is being very specific on the timing of releasing these works. They will neither be released too soon nor held back too long. There will also be a flow or abundance of creative ideas.

God says, “Tell My so-called Starving artists that My Word to them is Isaiah 55. Their hunger and thirst will be satisfied beyond what they have budgeted. I will co-create works with them that witness beyond borders, but they must trust My Ways which will be counter-intuitive to their own”.


God gave me an image of fences. I heard Psalm 16:6 which reads, “the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance”. God is calling these warriors to seek Him again on their boundaries. It’s time to review your Heavenly “investment portfolio” with the Lord and break ties with investments or business ventures that you’re no longer being called to as well as step into new investments or enterprises. You may find, after reviewing with the Lord, that you have more under your stewardship than you accounted for.

God says, “Lead with mercy”. Let Luke 6:30-36 guide your lending and spending even as you are led to do so in illogical ways from the world’s point of view. Just like Acts 10:4, your “prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God”. As you sow investments of time, energy, talents, or resources, they are going to open up new callings.

Activation Prayer

Lord, I pray you would illuminate what place you have for me in “such a time as this”. Show me how you designed my gifts, my opportunities, and even my desires to function in mountain warfare in these areas of influence. I pray for extra clarity to hear and remember your Words and to embody them in my life. I also pray that the influence over these areas be won more and more for You, that Your will would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.


1 Comment

Mona J. Eskridge
Mona J. Eskridge
Mar 03, 2022

This is such a God Word of Power, Revelation and Confirmation from Abba thru You Sister Sara!! It has deeply touched my heart and soul! Thank YOU Lord for speaking this Mighty Word of Confirmation to me!! Yes Lord!! ALL for Your Glory!!

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