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Open Up for Multiplication

Writer's picture: Sara WhittenSara Whitten

The past week the Lord has been pressing on me a simple but profound image. It being fall with harvest themes all around, He showed me a farmer who, instead of planting and watering seeds, was watering his picked baskets of fruit. It seemed silly until He told me, "Don't keep watering past harvests". We are always somewhere in this growth cycle, and we can tell by our lives. Are we seeing lots of fruit or progress? It's havest time! Are we sowing a lot of ourselves into callings? It's planting time! Are we pressing through the waiting season? That's growing time! Sometimes these seasons even overlap. The word for now, however, is to OPEN UP for MULTIPLICATION. Jesus used soil as an analogy our hearts when he spoke of the Rocky soil, the weed-filled ground, and the good soil (Matthew 13). To be good soil to grow His seeds, we must OPEN UP DEEPER to Him. Let Him turn up the soils of our hearts which may come in the form of shaking our circumstances, calling us to break new spiritual ground, or actually working and tilling our very hearts. It's not easy work- just as being refined by fire- but it is GOOD because it prepares us to receive seeds well. If this is happening, EMBRACE it with joy. Say yes to the process, and take HOPE that it is preparing you to be unbelievably fruitful! WHAT WE SEE NOW IS NOT REFLECTIVE OF WHAT IS COMING. God has planted seeds through you in the past, and you have seen a harvest. For each seed He planted, you harvest multiple pieces of fruit, each containing many seeds. It's an exponential MULTIPLICATION. Sometimes after a harvest season things can feel slow or stagnant, and the temptation is to circle back to the last time you felt progress. To water that basket of picked fruit hoping to grow more. "No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead" Philippians 3:13. Tend to your current seeds though you may not yet SEE the fruit forming. Pick the weeds of worry and lies that choke out the sun from your crop. What you are growing is the answers to prayers- yours and the prayers of others. Watch it come to fruition. Do not continue to water past harvests, but enjoy the fruits of the past, plant the seeds unto the Lord, and expect a multiplication next season!

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